click me!


Well, it has happened. is now a fully operational battle station. Prepare yourselves.

Before I digress, which I am known to do, let me start off by giving some credit and handing out some thanks. This would not have happened without you all. You know who you are. Thank you. The new site would not be in existance without Buttars, if you run into him, give him a hug and buy him a beer. HUGE thank yous to the veterans out there who have kept this afloat in times of trouble and triumph...I have personal things to say to you that will have to wait until we have a face to face.

At the pokercache party on September 19 I would really like to take a bit of all of your time and preach a little about "the game". We'll see, I will probably just get drunk and cry a lot.

SO. Go to the site. Familiarize yourself. It is different than the one we play on now but can do all of the things we do now AND MUCH MUCH MORE. You will need to create an account. It is free and always will be for players. I realize some of you have already been in and have looked around but it is time for everyone to come on board. Texting from a phone to the site works. E-mailing too. There is a great forum feature that we can all cache ourselves in as well. This site is still in beta. It is not finished so now is the time to see if we can break it.

For now, play around. Posting "real" caches is not off limits but I think it might serve us better to get really comfortable with the new toy before we go "live". Post pictures of your cats and dogs. Go to the forum and talk about bikes. Have fun.

LOVE to you all. -A. Mortician

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Poker Velocache (ongoing)

As an added layer on the velocache game, Spotingo and I will be including a unique playing card (or 2) into each of our caches over the next 6-8 weeks. Keep your cards, no re-caching or
trading/donating (if you dont want to play, keep the card or toss it). We will keep track of who finds what. 

DATE SET:  Sept 19, at the Regotti Estate, 4310 Douglas Street, Boise.  Poker hands revealed at 7:30PM sharp.  Side bets allowed. You are welcome to attend even if you haven't found any poker cards!

Drinks will start flowing around 4. Grilling around 6. It is kind of potluck style and BYOB, although I will probably have a large batch of mojitos mixed up. Expect some bike sprint races to follow awards!


All card holders bring their best hand of 5 cards (One hand per player. If you have more than 5 cards, make your best single hand of 5. If you have only 3 cards, still bring the best hand you can make.). No wild cards, straight 5 card poker. 1st prize will be worth hundreds of dollars (no used arm casts!) with 2nd and 3rd prizes substantially less.


  1. sweet. this sounds like fun, one request can the meeting place not be a bar haha i won't be able to attend if its at a bar.

  2. should we pitch in to up the ante a little?

  3. velovulpes - ante is not required but certainly accepted. If anyone has prizes they want to toss in the pot, make arrangements to get them to myself or Spotingo.

    skyler - noted, we will have the meet at the Spotingo summer estate.

  4. don't have it on 19 September....i'm hosting a bbq...and you all are invited!

  5. well combine the poker with your bbq!

  6. Awesome that sounds like a good time! How many cards are still out there??

  7. I will be present. I will also be hijacking the event a bit and making a big speech about velocache. yep it's true.

  8. we have Mojito mint if you need some!

  9. I should be ok on mint unless of course I use a lot of it perfecting my recipe between now and then. That certainly could happen ;-).

    If folks could let me know if they plan to show up, that would be fabulous so I can make sure I have enough burgers/dogs.

  10. I will be there and am very happy there will be mojitos. Although, shouldn't we be drinking Vespers?

  11. Cards are all deployed, and all captured except #351.

  12. who else plans to attend the bbq at Case de Regotti Saturday?

  13. i mean Casa de Regotti....why isn't there an edit function on here??

  14. I'll be there. There are some pretty good card hands out there, no side bets?

  15. I will probably bring my girlfriend.

  16. Umm... I didn't rsvp but uhh..... could i still stop by? Te diddily Te de

  17. The Moose - you missed out on your 3rd place prize in the poker cache by not showing up. 3rd place got a portable wirelsss router, $200 retail. We missed you.
